Only a small number of physicians performing hair transplantations in the United States are formally trained in a residency in the art of hair transplantation.  Dr. McAndrews was formally trained at USC/LAC Medical Center.

Only a small number of physicians are bestowed the honor, by teaching major medical hospitals in the United States, to teach their residents the art of hair transplantations.  Dr. McAndrews is a Professor at the USC/LAC Medical Center (the largest hospital in the western US) teaching the residents the art of hair transplantations.

Only a handful of physicians in the world have been selected by major pharmaceutical companies to lecture to other physicians throughout the world on hair loss, hair transplantations, hair restoration.  Dr. McAndrews has lectured across the globe for major pharmaceutical companies. He is presently a consultant and keynote speaker for Merck Co., Inc and is on the Speakers Bureau for Pfizer Co., Inc.


It’s a matter of what we do, what we don’t do, and the person who does it. Our guiding philosophy is one that follows nature as closely as possible to elevate information to a living art form, creating an effect that doesn’t look like a transplant at all.


The McAndrews Method achieves four goals vital to a successful transplant:

  • A result that’s as natural as possible and virtually undetectable.
  • Deliver the highest rates of survival and growth.
  • Create a result that looks great now and later.
  • Performs a transplant that’s conservative in technique, incredible in result.